Friday, October 17, 2008

things people may not know about me

Something not very many people know about me is that i mostly stay to myself. I am a very out going person once you get to know me. I love to play sports. Many people can get along with me because of my personality. I speak my mind and dont hold anything back people. My attitude sometimes gets ahead of me when i get mad and i seem to take it out on other people.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Worst thing a parent could do to a child

The worst thing i think a parent could do to a child is beat them. most parents beat their children for all the wrong like bad grades if they get in troble at school and etc... i feel that a parent shouldnt beat their kids because that will only make them do wrong. when a parent baet their child they are not showing them the right thing to do, they a just putting fear into them. if i were a parent i would just put my child on punishment for 3weeks. and some parents just beat their kids for no reason and that is wrong.